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Stevo12886 06-16-2004 08:17 PM

Hi all,
Just got back from seeing the LRR. AMAZING! I've never ridden in an Insight before, so I dont really have a stock comparison to make, but man, that thing pulled hard all the way to the speed limiter (ok...so we only hit like 105...fast enough for me). I will have to say, Willie has doen an outstanding job. I did mess up a little bit when we met, he called me ad we set a spot...to bad I had said the wrong exit..doh! He handled it very well and I was very comfortable. The turbo set up was very well thought through and right off the top of my head I could have only seen one way of making it better is to have used mandrel bent piping, but it ran well as it was. I was also amazed at the gas milage, it pulled so hard, and i think the lowest I saw the FCD go was 45. Willie was very informitive about the system and how and why he drives it like he does. Anyway...I realize I'm babling, if you have any questions about the meet dont hesitate to PM me.

flare 06-16-2004 08:40 PM

very interesting :) does turbo use more gas?

xcel 06-17-2004 10:06 AM

Hi Flare:

___According to the many threads in regards to Willy’s LRR, it does not? Rick Reese has driven in it as well but I don’t remember if he ever stated that he was seeing similar fuel economy stats as his own 5-speed over the same road ways? Rick, feel free to add any additional and more factual commentary.

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes
___Hunt Club Farms Landscaping Ltd.

Stevo12886 06-17-2004 03:30 PM

If i really had to comment on that, i'd say that if driven for the most milage (like he says...it gets what it gets, he doestn drive it like a hypermiler) it could get more. On our short drive on the Interstate it got into lean burn many times going 70mph in 3rd and 4th...but it never got there in 5th..odd i thought. (yes...the gearing of Insights is abnormaly tall...in 3rd at 70mph its only pulling 3200 revs or so).

xcel 06-17-2004 05:25 PM

Hi Stevo12886:

___The Insight 5-speed at 70 + is about at its limit to achieve lean burn for any length of time. With a 15 - 20 mph tail wind, certainly but on the highway at 70, I wouldn’t expect much time could be spent in its highest fuel economy mode … As for revs, hyper milers receive what they do when below 2,000. It might sound slow (it really is slow ;)) but that is where the Insight’s outrageous fuel economy is achieved.

___By the way, I added some commentary to your Used Insight post over at Insight Central a few minutes ago in case you don’t receive E-Mail notification.

___Good Luck

___Wayne R. Gerdes
___Hunt Club Farms Landscaping Ltd.

Stevo12886 06-17-2004 06:24 PM

I know the hypermilers achive it there...err, I do now. I hadnt untill Willie told me. NE way..watching Willie's manifold pressure sensor, it was at no boost until around 2500 rpm (the manifold pressure reaches 0 around that speed). I had forgotten this until I was explaning it to my friend..autostop is scary the first time...even when you know its there. LOL, It startled me the first time, i wastn really thinking about it at the time. I love the startup though...lot more efficient than w/ an alternator.

Hot_Georgia_2004 06-17-2004 07:08 PM

autostop is scary the first time
My first few times with this feature I almost wanted to reach and turn the key...

It gets more pronounced with the climate control to full auto.
Not only does the engine turn off but suddenly the blower turns off too.
Like a sudden and complete loss of all power!

Rick Reece 06-18-2004 05:33 AM

Keep in mind that Willie's turbo has its own fuel injector. When the turbo is active you are using a small amount of extra fuel but this is only during the boost. This does not show up on the FCD from my understanding but since it's only used under boost it's not causing huge errors either. Have fun, RIck

Stevo12886 06-18-2004 03:50 PM

I thought about that too, when I asked him, he said that it only comes out to 1% or so off the FCD when he calculates it by hand.

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