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R_ACE1 06-14-2009 05:52 PM

05 HAH, IMA battery charge using grid
Hello everyone,
Does anyone know how to charge the IMA batteries using the grid? While it's nice the battery gets charges when decelerating or braking, I would like to plug to an outlet and charge them up when given the opportunity. Thinking I can get some more assist from the IMA then charging.

bar10dah 06-15-2009 12:10 AM

Re: 05 HAH, IMA battery charge using grid
I haven't heard of anyone coming up with a system yet.

If you really want to pursue it, you can check out the few companies out there that are doing it for the other hybrids. But, since there's really no market for the HAH to be a plug in, the initial cost will be pretty steep.

R_ACE1 06-15-2009 05:53 PM

Re: 05 HAH, IMA battery charge using grid
no market for these things....WOW i can imagine the price for such a mod.

I'm qurious to see whats out there so if you have any webiste of companies who do this let me know.

Thanks bar10dah

drozzin 06-16-2009 09:05 AM

Re: 05 HAH, IMA battery charge using grid
Standard HAH battery will not hold enough change. The battery swap is a must in such conversion. Don't bother it is a wrong car to be a plug-in hybrid.

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